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Autonomic Failure
Mathias, Bannister
Oxford University Press
210,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Provides practical information on autonomic diseases for a range of fields
  • Thoroughly illustrated throughout with high-quality figures to aid revision
  • Includes contributions from leading clinicians and researchers in their field, overseen by two eminent neurologists and teachers

This fifth edition of the Autonomic Failure covers the many recent advances made in our understanding of the autonomic nervous system. There are numerous new chapters and extensive revisions of all other contributions. This volume makes diagnosis increasingly precise by fully evaluating the underlying anatomical and functional deficits, thereby allowing more effective treatment. It continues to provide a rational guide to aid in the recognition and management of autonomic disorders for practitioners from a variety of fields, including neurology, cardiology, geriatric medicine, diabetology, and internal medicine.

Table of Contents:


Roger Bannister and Christopher Mathias: Introduction
Tilli Tansy: Historical perspectives on the autonomic nervous system
1: Wilfrid Janig and Elspeth M McLachlan: Neurobiology of the autonomic nervous system
2: Stephen J Peroutka: Molecular genetics and the autonomic nervous system
3: Eduardo E Benarroch: Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the CNS and cardiovascular regulation
4: Mike Schachter: Adrenergenic and cholingeric receptors
5: Geoffrey Burnstock: Structural and chemical organization of the autonomic nervous system with special reference to non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic transmission
6: Michael A. Moskowitz, Melanie C. Sharp and Robert McFarlane: Autonomic and neurohormonal control of the cerebral circulation
7: Hugo D. Critchley and Christopher J. Mathias: Functional neuroimaging of autonomic control
8: Bill J.Yates and Adolfo Bronstein: Vestibular system influences on respiratory muscle activity and cardiovascular functions
9: Peter J Goadsby: Autoregulation and autonomic control of the cerebral circulation: implications and pathophysiology
10: Kenneth J Collins: Temperature regulation and the autonomic nervous system
11: Ralf Baron and Wilfrid Janig: Mechanisms underlying complex regional pain syndrome: Role of the sympathetic nervous system
12: Peter J Barnes: Autonomic control of the airways
13: Anne E Bishop and Julia M Polak: The gut and the autonomic nervous system
14: Paul L R Andrews: Nausea, vomiting, and the autonomic nervous system
15: Ian A Macdonald: The influence of the autonomic nervous system on metabolic function
16: Edward J Johns: The kidney and the sympathetic nervous system
17: William C de Groat: Neural control of the urinary bladder
18: Stacy Elliot: Investigation and treatment of sexual dysfunction in autonomic diseases
19: Christopher J Mathias, David Low, Valeria Iodice and Roger Bannister: Investigation of autonomic disorders
20: Wouter Wieling and John M Karemaker: Measurement of heart rate and blood pressure to evaluate disturbances in neurocardiovascular control
21: G Parati, M Di Rienzo, P Castiglioni and G Mancia: Computer analysis of blood pressue and heart rate variability in subjects with normal and abnormal autonomic cardiovascular control
22: J F R Paton and K M Spyer: Central nervous control of cardiovascular system
23: Antonio Claudio Lucas da Nobrega, David A Low and Christopher J Mathias: Exercise-induced hypotension in autonomic disorders
24: Christopher J Mathias, Karen Jones and Roger Bannister and Karen Jones: Postprandial hypotension in autonomic disorders
25: B Gunnar Wallin: Intraneural recordings of normal and abnormal sympathetic activity in humans
26: Fion D Bremner and S E Smith: Pupil abnormality in autonomic disorders: detection and occurrence
27: Sudhansu Chokroverty: Assessment of sleep disturbances in autonomic failure
28: Phillip A Low and Robert D Fealey: Evaluation of sudomotor function
29: Soumendra N Datta and Clare J Fowler: Investigation and treatment of bladder dysfunction in diseases affecting the autonomic nervous system
30: Murray Esler and Gavin Lambert: Biochemical investigation of autonomic function: measurement of catecholamines and metabolites, and the use of spillover and allied techniques to determine regional sympathetic activation
31: D G Thompson and D L Wingate: Autonomic function and the gastrointestinal tract
32: Markus Naumann and Christopher Mathias: Treatment of hyperhidrosis
33: Linda Luxon and Waheeda Pagarkar: Vestibular and autonomic interaction
34: Timothy M Young and Christopher J Mathias: Cardiovascular effects of water ingestion
35: Roger Bannister, Valeria Iodice, Ekawat Vichayanrat, and Christopher J Mathias: Clinical features and evaluation of the primary chronic autonomic failure syndromes
36: David J Brooks: Neuroimaging in autonomic failure syndromes
37: Margaret R Matthews: Autonomic ganglia and preganglionic neurones in autonomic failure
38: Roger Bannister, Valeria Iodice and Christopher J Mathias: Management of postural hypotension
39: Uday Muthane and Andrew J Lees: Treatment of the motor disorders of multiple system atrophy
40: Pietro Cortelli and Christopher J Mathias: Parkinson's disease and autonomic failure
41: Heiko Braak and Kelly Del Tredici: Development of Parkinson's disease-related pathology in the enteric and central nervous systems
42: Janice L Holton and Tamas Revesz: Neuropathology of multiple system atrophy
43: Nadia Stefanova and Gregor K Wenning: Experimental models to define multiple system atrophy and autonomic failure
44: Felicia B Axelrod: Familial dysautonomia
45: Michael E Edmonds: Autonomic failure in diabetes
46: Christopher J Mathias and Roger Bannister: Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase deficiency: with a note on other genetically determined causes of autonomic failure
47: Michael Donaghy: Autonomic dysfunction in peripheral nerve disease
48: Steven Vernino and Angela Vincent: Autoimmune and paraneoplastic autonomic neuropathies
49: Sinead M Murphy and Mary M Reilly: Hereditary amyloid neuropathy
50: Martin A Samuels: Introduction to neurocardiology
51: J Gert van Dijk: Transient loss of consciousness
52: Roger Hainsworth and Victoria E. Claydon: Syncope and fainting: classification and pathophysiological basis
53: Rose Anne Kenny: Neurally mediated syncope
54: John B P Stephenson: Paediatric aspects of neurally mediated syncope
55: Wilfrid Janig: Pain and the sympathetic nervous system: pathophysiological mechanisms
56: Krysztof Narkiewicz and Virend K Somers: Sympathetic neural mechanisms in hypertension
57: Philip A Low: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
58: Niels H Secher and Johannes J van Lieshout: Circulatory shock
59: Christopher J Mathias and Hans L Frankel: Autonomic disturbances in spinal cord lesions
60: C T Paul Krediet and Wouter Wieling: Situational syncope
61: Abhay Bajpai and A John Camm: Cardiac causes of syncope
62: Gary S Francis and Jay N Cohn: Cardiac failure and the autonomic nervous system
63: Peter D Drummond: Autonomic disorders affecting cutaneous blood flow
64: Lars Lykke Thomsen and Jes Olesen: Autonomic aspects of migraine: pathophysiology and treatment
65: Anne L Tonkin and Derek B Frewin: Drugs, chemicals, and toxins that alter autonomic function
66: Lewis A Lipsitz and Vera Novak: Ageing and the autonomic nervous system
67: Omer Aziz, Marios Nicolaou, Ara W Darzi: Surgery and the autonomic nervous system
68: Sanjay Purkayastha, J Anthony Firth, Ara W Darzi: Autonomic Surgical Neuroanatomy
69: Graeme Eisenhofer, Jacques W M Lenders, William M Manger, Karel Pacak: Phaeochromocytoma: a clinical chameleon


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