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Libreria medica internazionale
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Augmentation Fillers
Cambridge Univeristy Press
96,00 €
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Filler techniques are the most widely used surgical procedures in cosmetic surgery, as they are the best method of reducing wrinkles on a long-term basis. For years, dermatologists have known that water-binding soft-tissue fillers can replace the loss of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid from the skin. Because filler formulas and application techniques are constantly updated and reevaluated, the dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon need a quick reference on the subject. This new text, edited by world-renowned dermatologist Dr Neil S. Sadick, covers all the main aspects of soft-tissue filler techniques. Subjects covered include choosing and applying fillers; short-, intermediate-, and long-acting fillers; and combination approaches, as well as anesthetic considerations, equipment and patient positioning, operative procedures, potential complications, and postoperative evaluation.

• Comprehensive coverage of all augmentation fillers, in concise format
• Over 100 full-color illustrations detailing techniques and procedures
• Edited by world-renowned dermatologist Dr Neil S. Sadick, it includes chapters by many leading names in dermatology

1. Application of fillers Deborshi Roy
2. Approach to choosing the ideal filler Mary Lupo
3. Patient selection, counseling, and informed consent Sumit Bapna and Corey Maas
4. Hyaluronic acid skin derivatives Robert Anolik and Ellen Gendler
5. Collagen products Gary Monheit
6. Radiesse Neil S. Sadick and Deborshi Roy
7. Artefill Steven R. Cohen and Marc G. Rubin
8. Silicone Chad Prather and Derek Jones
9. Advanta expanded polytetrafluoroethylene implants Kelley Pagliai Redbord and C. William Hanke
10. Sculptra Cheryl Karcher
11. Lipo transfer Lisa Donofrio
12. BioAlcamid David J. Goldberg
13. Combination approaches Susan Weinkle and Harriet Lin Hall
14. Filler complications Papri Sarkar and Ranella J. Hirsch
15. Post-procedure management and patient instructions Andrew A. Nelson and Joel L. Cohen
16. Conclusion Neil S. Sadick.


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