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Atlas of Virtual Colonoscopy
Dachman, Laghi
160,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • This comprehsive atlas fully explains the fundamentals of this state-of-the-art technique to radiologists, radiology residents, and gastroenterologists. 
Atlas of Virtual Colonoscopy thoroughly revises and updates Abraham Dachman’s bestselling first edition. Joined in this edition by co-editor Andrea Laghi, Dr. Dachman has expanded the focus of the text to cover fundamental topics of this rapidly evolving technology, including the history of virtual colonoscopy, a review of clinical trial data from throughout the world, and a presentation of clinical background information. Also included are chapters covering patient preparation and tagging, performing and reporting virtual colonoscopy, viewing methods, MR colonography, and computer aided detection. The second part of the text presents an atlas of high-resolution images with detailed explanations of teaching points, covering normal anatomy; sessile, pedunculated, diminutive and flat lesions; masses; stool and diverticula; and common pitfalls. Atlas of Virtual Colonoscopy is a valuable resource for all radiologists and gastroenterologists interested in learning the fundamentals of this exciting technique.

 Part I: Text

 Chapter 1: Virtual Colonoscopy: From concept to implementation

Authors: Beth McFarland, Katie Keysor and David J. Vining


Chapter 2: Global implementation of CTC


Chapter 3: Epidemiology and Screening of Colorectal Cancer

Authors: Cesare Hassan, Gabriel D. Lang and David T. Rubin


Chapter 4: Implementation and clinical trials in the USA

Authors: MAJ Peter Van Geertruyden, J. Richard Choi and LCDR Alex Galifianakis


Chapter 5: Clinical Trials. Europe

Authors:  Daniele Regge and Andrea Laghi


Chapter 6: Patient preparation and tagging

Authors: Dipti K. Lenhart, Rocio Perez Johnston and Mike Zalis


Chapter 7: Performing and reporting.

Author: Abraham H. Dachman


Chapter 8: Viewing Methods

Author: Jorge Soto and  Kevin J. Chang


Chapter 9: The Controversy Over Flat Lesions

Author: Seong Ho Park


Chapter 10: MR Colonography

Authors: Marije P. van der Paardt, Frank M. Zijta and Jaap Stoker


Chapter 11: Extracolonic Findings

Authors: Abraham H. Dachman and Ila Sethi


Chapter 12: Computer-Aided Detection

Authors: Kenji Suzuki and Abraham H. Dachman


Part II: Atlas

Authors: Franco Iafrate, Andrea Laghi and invited contributors


Chapter 13: Normal Anatomy


Chapter 14: Sessile polyps


Chapter 15: Pedunculated polyps


Chapter 16: Diminutive polyps


Chapter 17: Flat lesions


Chapter 18: Stool, diverticulosis


Chapter 19: Masses


Chapter 20: Pitfalls and miscellaneous


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