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Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery
Sataloff, Chowdhury, Joglekar, Hawkshaw
104,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery is a valuable resource for physicians providing practical information on microscopic surgery of the larynx. Beginning with an introduction to the basic principles and procedures, the text goes on to discuss benign and malignant lesions of the larynx, neurogenic disorders and laryngeal trauma. Almost 400 images, including previously unpublished intra-operative photographs help guide clinicians through the different conditions and types of surgery.

external injection, transoral injection, surgical techniques
6. Direct Laryngoscopy 21
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Suspension microlaryngoscopy, stereoscopic vision, anterior commissure,
laryngoscope suspension system
Prelims.indd xi 9/8/2010 3:12:30 Gopal
Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery
7. Anesthesia 25
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Local anesthesia, greater cornu of the thyroid cartilage, greater cornu of the hyoid
bone, glossopharyngeal nerve blocks, endotracheal intubation, mucosal irritation,
methemoglobinemia, general anesthesia, intubation and extubation
8. Instrumentation 28
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Magnifi cation, long-handled laryngeal instruments, laryngeal telescopes, contact
endoscopy, microlaryngeal instruments, nonrefl ective instruments, powered
instruments, microdissection
9. Submucosal Infusion and Laryngeal Microsurgery 35
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Concept of laryngeal infusion, submucosal infusion, complications
10. Laryngeal Laser Surgery 36
Jean Abitbol, Robert T Sataloff
Laser surgery, characteristics of lasers, phonomicrosurgery, argon laser, Nd-YAG
laser, KTP (potassium, titanyl, phosphate) crystal laser, dye laser photodynamic
therapy, pulsed dye laser, pulsed KTP laser, diode laser and its limitations, CO2
laser and its limitations, laser tissue interaction, phonomicrosurgical procedures,
microlaryngoscopy procedures, anesthesia techniques, risks and complications,
principles of CO2 laser phonomicrosurgery, laser phonomicrosurgical techniques
for types of lesions, complications of laser phonomicrosurgery
11. Voice Cosmesis: The Voice Lift 52
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Voice lessons, vocal habilitation, neuromuscular retraining, injection laryngoplasty,
voice lift
12. Postoperative Voice Care 54
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Voice rest, scar formation, steroids, antirefl ux medications, voice therapy,
individual considerations
Section 2 Benign Structural Lesions
13. Vocal Fold Cysts 59
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Congenital cysts, acquired cysts, diff erentiation of cysts, management of vocal fold
cysts, microfl ap technique, contralateral vocal fold, surgical techniques
14. Vocal Fold Nodules 69
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Position of vocal fold nodules, striking zone, voice therapy, vocal fold nodules in
children, surgical techniques
Prelims.indd xii 9/8/2010 3:12:30 Gopal
15. Vocal Fold Polyps 76
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Polyps, functional eff ect of polyps, surgical techniques
16. Varicosities, Ectatic Vessels and Vocal Fold Hemorrhage 85
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Hemorrhage in the vocal folds and mucosal disruption, ectasias and varices,
surgical techniques
17. ReinkeÊs Edema 91
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Polypoid degeneration, polypoid corditis, edematous hypertrophy, localized
compensatory Reinke’s edema, surgical techniques
18. Granulomas and Vocal Process Ulcers 98
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Occurrence of granulomas, etiologies of granulomas, uses of botulinum toxin,
surgical techniques
19. Papilloma 106
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Diagnosis of papillomas, resection of laryngeal papilloma, use of cidofovir, surgical
20. Supraglottoplasty 115
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Cause of stridor, eff ects of laryngomalacia, children with laryngomalacia,
supraglottic mucosal redundancy, surgical techniques
21. Vocal Fold Scar 119
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Symptomatic vocal fold scar, therapy for vocal fold scar, surgery for vocal fold
scar, medialization techniques, surgical techniques
22. Sulcus Vocalis 130
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Introduction of sulcus vocalis, etiologies of sulcus vocalis, pseudosulcus vocalis,
sulcus vergeture, treatment of sulcus vocalis, mucosal bridge, uses of numerous
23. Laryngeal Webs 133
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Symptomatic webs, endoscopic resection
24. Posterior Glottic Stenosis 136
Joseph R Spiegel, Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Mary J Hawkshaw
Arises from posterior larynx, factors aff ecting postintubation complications, types
of stenosis, EMG of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles, endolaryngeal procedures,
open laryngeal procedures, surgical techniques
Prelims.indd xiii 9/8/2010 3:12:31 Gopal
Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery
25. Subglottic Stenosis 142
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Eff ects of stenosis, congenital subglottic stenosis, goals of correcting subglottic
stenosis, surgical techniques
26. Bowed Vocal Folds and Presbyphonia 146
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Bowed vocal folds, superior laryngeal nerve paralysis, presbyphonia
Section 3 Premalignant and Malignant Lesions of the Larynx
27. Premalignant Lesions of the Larynx 149
Carole M Dean, Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Mary J Hawkshaw
Terminology (clinical terms, histologic terms), epidemiology and etiological
factors, malignant transformation, carcinoma in situ (CIS), laryngeal papillomas,
human papilloma virus epidemiology and molecular biology, surgical techniques
28. Laryngeal Cancer 161
Timothy D Anderson, Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury
Supraglottic tumors, treatment considerations, surgical procedures, glottic tumors,
surgical treatment (excisional biopsy, endoscopic surgery, cordectomy, endoscopic
laser-assisted vertical hemilaryngectomy, vertical hemilaryngectomy, reconstruction
after partial laryngectomy, supracricoid hemilaryngectomy, total laryngectomy),
subglottic cancer, surgical techniques
Section 4 Neurogenic Disorders
29. Vocal Fold Paresis/Paralysis 183
Adam D Rubin, Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury
Eff ects of vocal fold paralysis, avoidance of Tefl on injection, gelfoam injection,
collagen, alloderm and fascia injection, autologous fat injection, removal of Tefl on,
surgical techniques
30. Thyroplasty 198
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Type I thyroplasty, revision thyroplasty, other types of thyroplasty, nomenclature,
surgical techniques
31. Arytenoid Cartilage Adduction/Rotation, Cricothyroid Subluxation
Arytenoidopexy and Arytenoidectomy 210
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Arytenoid cartilage adduction/rotation, arytenoidopexy and cricothyroid
subluxation, cricothyroid joint, cricothyroid subluxation, Gore-Tex silastic block,
nerve anastomosis, arytenoidectomy
Prelims.indd xiv 9/8/2010 3:12:31 Gopal
32. Nerve Muscle Pedicle Surgery 220
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Involvement of nerve muscle pedicle surgery, limitations of reinnervation, other
33. Other Techniques for Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis 222
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Arytenoidopexy, alternative placement of suture/arytenoidectomy, vocal fold
paralysis, posterior cordotomy, synkinesis
34. Throarytenoid Neurectomy 224
Robert T Sataloff
Procedural development of thyroarytenoid neurectomy for adductor spasmodic
dysphonia, variations on thyroarytenoid neurectomy, anatomy of the
thyroarytenoid branch, potential for abductor spasmodic dysphonia
Section 5 Laryngeal Trauma
35. Laryngotracheal Trauma 229
Yolanda D Heman-Ackah, Robert T Sataloff
Blunt injury, evaluation of the blunt trauma patient without airway distress,
evaluation of the blunt trauma patient with airway distress, surgical evaluation,
open exploration and repair, penetrating injuries, caustic and thermal injuries,
iatrogenic injuries
36. Vocal Process Avulsion 246
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Occurrence of vocal process avulsion, result of vocal process avulsion, treatment of
the vocal process avulsion, surgical techniques
37. Cricoarytenoid and Cricothyroid Joint Injury: Evaluation and
Treatment 249
Robert T Sataloff , Farhad Chowdhury, Shruti Joglekar, Mary J Hawkshaw
Cricoarytenoid joint injury, embryology and anatomy, arytenoid dislocation/
subluxation (diagnosis), adjunctive measures, cricothyroid joint injury
Index 259


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